468 Contact Names for Ex that Capture Every Emotion

Let’s be real: if you’ve got your ex saved in your phone under something other than their actual name, you’re not alone. I mean, who hasn’t gone through their contacts after a breakup and thought, “There’s no way I’m staring at ‘John’ when this dude clearly deserves ‘Drama King’ or ‘Ghost of Bad Choices’?” Contact names for exes have a way of evolving over time—starting off bitter, turning funny, and maybe (if you’re lucky) ending up somewhere civil. But the point is, those little nicknames tell a story. And if you’re looking to give your ex a new title that captures every emotion in the aftermath, well, I’ve got you covered with 468 of them.

Curious about how others channel their heartbreak, rage, or maybe even humor into these contact names? Trust me, you’re not going to want to miss this list. I’ve dug deep—real deep—into every corner of emotional territory to come up with a contact name for whatever phase you’re in, from “Freshly Bitter” to “Finally Over It.”

Whether you’re looking to vent, laugh, or maybe even move on, these 468 contact names for your ex will be just the catharsis you need. Ready to dive in? Let’s get naming.

Contact Names for Ex Boyfriend

Here are some nicknames for your ex boyfriend.

  • Ghosted Guy
  • Mr. Wrong
  • Heartbreaker
  • The Ex-Files
  • Bye Bye Boy
  • Past Prince
  • No More Mr. Nice Guy
  • History Buff
  • Unfriended
  • The One That Got Away
  • Memory Lane
  • Lost Love
  • The Ex Factor
  • Gone Guy
  • Mr. Mistake
  • 2MinutePete
  • Old Flame
  • The Past
  • Yesterday’s News
  • Mr. Moved On
  • The Ghost
  • Ex Marks the Spot
  • Mr. What Was I Thinking
  • 🚩🚩🚩🚩
  • The Breakup
  • Mr. Over It
  • The Goodbye Guy
  • Bygone
  • The Exit
  • Mr. Unavailable
  • The Ex-ample
  • Mr. Never Again
  • Bad Memory
  • Mr. Out of Reach
  • Mr. Wasn’t Right
  • The Ex-odus
  • Mr. Not Anymore
  • The Ex-planation
  • Mr. No More
  • Anti Husband
  • Mr. Over and Out
  • Sack of 💩
  • Mr. Done and Dusted
  • Bad Hombre
  • Mr. Out of Sight
  • Wasband
  • Mr. Past Perfect
  • Gone Boy
  • Mr. Once Upon a Time
  • The Ex-emplary
  • Mr. Closed Chapter
  • Somebody I Used to Know

Contact Names for Ex Girlfriend

And here are some nicknames for your ex girlfriend:

  • Miss Moved On
  • The Ex-Factor
  • Lover Wrecker
  • Past Princess
  • Ghosted Gal
  • The Escapee
  • Nostalgia Avenue
  • Bye Bye Babe
  • Gone Girl
  • Ms. Red Flag
  • Forgotten Flame
  • Old Headline
  • Miss Mistake
  • The Closure
  • Insignificant Other
  • Miss Over It
  • The Goodbye Girl
  • The Past Tense
  • Departed
  • Miss Unavailable
  • The Ex-ception
  • Miss Never Again
  • The Memory
  • The Ex-odus
  • Miss Not Anymore
  • Wrong Choice
  • Miss No More
  • The Ex-pert
  • Miss Over and Out
  • The Ex-clusive
  • Miss Done and Dusted
  • The Ex-press
  • Miss Out of Sight
  • The Ex-tra
  • Miss Past Perfect
  • Miss X
  • Miss Once Upon a Time
  • Never Again
  • Miss Closed Chapter
  • The Ex-ceptional
  • Miss History
  • The Ex-otic
  • Miss What Was I Thinking
  • The Ex-ample
  • Miss Gone Girl
  • The Ex-quisite
  • Miss Past Tense
  • Miss Out of Reach
  • Miss Done With It
  • Ms Drama
  • Miss Outta Here
  • Anti-Wife

Funny Contact Names for your Ex

  • Ghosted 👻
  • Drama 🎭
  • Mr. Wrong 🚫
  • Herpes
  • Ex-Files 🕵️‍♂️
  • Bye Felicia 👋
  • No-Call 🚫📞
  • Past Tense ⏳
  • Error 404 ❌
  • Unsubscribed
  • Ghost Past 🎄👻
  • Phantom
  • Ex-terminator
  • Missed 📵
  • Got Away 🏃‍♂️
  • Memory
  • Exorcist
  • Not Today
  • Void
  • Unwanted 🔕
  • Whisperer
  • Past-er
  • Forgotten
  • Lost Cause
  • T-ex-ter 📱
  • Voldemort
  • ‘Ol Lies and Silence
  • Unmentionable
  • Herself
  • What’s Her Name
  • The Deceased
  • Red Flag 🚩
  • Ex-communicated
  • Human Migraine
  • Ex-hausted
  • Love Gone
  • Artist Formerly Known as Bae
  • Captain Clingy
  • Phantom of the Opera
  • Exhibit A
  • Drama Llama
  • Excuse Factory
  • Gaslighting Guru
  • Ex-ception 🚫
  • Vampire
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Hannibal Lecter
  • Darth Vader
  • Joker
  • Clown

Bad Names to Call your Ex

  1. Cheater 🚫
  2. Liar
  3. Heartless 💔
  4. Betrayer
  5. Snake 🐍
  6. Ghost
  7. Narcissist
  8. Manipulator
  9. Drama
  10. Toxic
  11. Fake
  12. Loser
  13. User
  14. J*rk
  15. D*uche
  16. Sc*mbag
  17. Trash
  18. Clown 🤡
  19. Hypocrite
  20. Leech
  21. Parasite
  22. Weasel
  23. Scammer
  24. Flake
  25. Creep
  26. Psycho
  27. Monster
  28. Villain
  29. Devil 😈
  30. Idi*t
  31. Fool
  32. M*ron
  33. Pig 🐷
  34. Slime
  35. Troll
  36. Gremlin
  37. Pest
  38. Rat 🐀
  39. Roach
  40. Vermin
  41. Wretch
  42. Bum
  43. Scoundrel
  44. Cad
  45. Fiend
  46. Brute
  47. Beast
  48. Ghoul
  49. Ogre

Names for your Ex Boyfriend on Snapchat

  • GhostofRelationshipsPast
  • BlockedButNotForgotten
  • MemoryLaneDetour
  • ChapterClosed – Also in our list of sad username ideas
  • OldFlameExtinguished
  • YesterdaysNews
  • HistoryBook
  • BackburnerBoy
  • PastTenseTense
  • NoLongerRelevant
  • FormerlyYours
  • ArchivedException
  • UnmatchedMatch
  • ByeByeBoo
  • ExFiles
  • RetroactiveRegret
  • VanishingAct👻
  • DisconnectedDude
  • MovedOnMike
  • LastSeasonsTrend
  • OutdatedOS
  • RecycledRomance
  • BackToSenderBarry
  • UninstalledApp
  • DeletionDay
  • ExpiredSubscription
  • NoRefundsRyan
  • RebootRequired
  • ErrorCode404
  • ObsoleteModel
  • DowngradedToFriend
  • ReturnToSender
  • NotMyTypeAnymore
  • EndOfTheRoadRomeo
  • CanceledConnection
  • UnfollowedFellow
  • MutedMemories
  • SilencedStory
  • FadeToBlackFrank
  • LastCallLarry
  • TimeOutTom
  • GameOverGuy
  • BrokenLinkLeo
  • DisconnectedDave
  • SwipedLeftForever
  • NotificationBlocked
  • UnmatchedUmberto
  • HistoryErased
  • CloudedMemoryCam
  • StaticSignalSam
  • BufferingBreakup💔
  • EndCreditsEddie

Names to Call Your Ex that You still Love

  • Sweetheart 💖
  • Honey 🍯
  • Lovebug 🐞
  • Angel 😇
  • Sunshine ☀️
  • Darling
  • Dearest
  • Sweetie
  • Cutie
  • Snuggle
  • Pumpkin 🎃
  • Buttercup 🌼
  • Cupcake 🧁
  • Babe
  • Boo
  • Love
  • Heartthrob 💓
  • Star 🌟
  • Dreamer
  • Prince/Princess 👑
  • Treasure
  • Gem 💎
  • Joy
  • Beloved
  • Cherish
  • Sparkle ✨
  • Rose 🌹
  • Angelic
  • Bliss
  • Charm
  • Delight
  • Dove 🕊️
  • Jewel
  • Light
  • Magic
  • Muse
  • Peach 🍑
  • Precious
  • Radiant
  • Romeo/Juliet
  • Shining
  • Smiley 😊
  • Snuggles
  • Soulmate
  • Starlight
  • Sugar
  • Sweetpea
  • Tender
  • Twinkle
  • Warmth
  • Wonder
  • Zest

Rude Names to Call Your Ex

  • Lowlife
  • Trash Talker
  • User Loser
  • Fake Hero
  • Lame Excuse
  • Dirtbag Deluxe
  • Spineless Wonder
  • Cheat Code
  • Ego Maniac
  • Scumbucket
  • Clout Chaser
  • The Parasite
  • Walking Disaster
  • Heartless Jerk
  • Attention Leech
  • Toxic Waste
  • Love Leech
  • Phony King
  • Emotional Wreck
  • Deadbeat
  • Snake Charmer
  • Gaslight Guru
  • Blame Shifter
  • Fake Love
  • The Freeloader
  • Arrogant Fool
  • Two-Timer
  • Betrayal King
  • The Loser
  • Empty Head
  • Backstabber
  • Lie Machine
  • Ego Tripper
  • The Mooch
  • Spin Doctor
  • Love Faker
  • The Coward
  • Serial Flirt
  • Drama Bomb
  • The Manipulator
  • No-Good
  • The Leech
  • Cold-Hearted
  • The Faker
  • The Player
  • The Douche
  • Selfish Jerk
  • Emotionless Troll
  • Two-Face
  • Betrayal King
  • The Troll
  • Trust Destroyer

Savage Names to Call Your Ex

  • Drama Magnet
  • Heartbreaker
  • Ego Trip
  • Ghost Walker
  • Lying Eyes
  • False Prince
  • The Exaggerator
  • Cling King
  • Flake Master
  • Cheap Thrill
  • Missed Potential
  • Time Waster
  • Deception Artist
  • Vanishing Act
  • The Narcissist
  • Double Talker
  • The Manipulator
  • Hot Mess
  • Empty Promise
  • The Pretender
  • Broken Record
  • Red Flag
  • Attention Seeker
  • Dream Crusher
  • Sweet Nothings
  • False Prophet
  • Control Freak
  • Walking Red Flag
  • Energy Vampire
  • Dead Weight
  • Smooth Liar
  • Dead End
  • Hollow Heart
  • Chaos Creator
  • Gaslight Guru
  • Reality Dodger
  • The Player
  • Cold Shoulder
  • Emotionless Void
  • The Faker
  • Mind Twister
  • The Opportunist
  • Silent Ghost
  • Guilt Tripper
  • False Front
  • Secret Keeper
  • Emotional Rollercoaster
  • Mind Games
  • Shallow Waters
  • Daydream Destroyer
  • Two-Faced
  • Illusion Master

Funny Nicknames for Ex

  • Couch Potato
  • Mr. Forgetful
  • Captain Clueless
  • Drama Llama
  • Text Ghost
  • Sir Snores-a-Lot
  • Clumsy Cupid
  • Captain Obvious
  • Snack Bandit
  • Mr. Invisible
  • The Procrastinator
  • Mismatch Maker
  • The Snoozer
  • Hot Air Balloon
  • Mr. Wrong
  • Cereal Box Philosopher
  • Mood Swinger
  • The Snail
  • Awkward Penguin
  • Butterfingers
  • Captain Cringe
  • The Overthinker
  • Silent Bob
  • Mr. Mixed Signals
  • Buzzkill Bill
  • Sir Talks-a-Lot
  • Half-a-Brain
  • Lord Flake
  • Excuse Machine
  • Serial Chiller
  • Captain Shrug
  • The Sidestepper
  • Commitment Phobe
  • Lazy Bones
  • Forget-Me-Not
  • One-Liner
  • The Over Texter
  • The Ghost Whisperer
  • Snail Mail
  • The Blabbermouth
  • Thumb Warrior
  • Captain Cool
  • Idea Recycler
  • Mr. Can’t Decide
  • The Whiner
  • The Zzz Master
  • Sir Grumps-a-Lot
  • The Miss-Taker
  • Social Media Maven
  • The Excuse Factory
  • Thumb Twiddler
  • Coffee Addict

Final Thoughts

Picking the perfect contact name for your ex can be oddly therapeutic, right? Whether it’s a way to cope with lingering emotions or just a fun way to get a laugh when their name pops up on your phone, this list of 468 contact names for ex is meant to capture the full spectrum of feelings—from hurt to humor.

Personally, my favorite male name? It’s gotta be “Ghost of Bad Decisions”—I mean, it says everything without saying too much. And for the ladies? “Queen of Mixed Signals” hits just the right level of cheeky truth.

What about you? Which one stood out as your favorite? I’d love to know what name you’ll be assigning in your contacts! Honestly, putting together this extensive list was such a fun ride, and I hope it brought some laughs or maybe even a little closure your way. Thanks for reading—here’s to turning all that emotional baggage into something way more entertaining!

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