
The Story Behind LordOfNames.com

Or Should I Call It: “One Woman’s Quirky Quest to Name the World?” πŸ€”

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been a little…obsessed with names. Not just my own name (Shreya, in case you were wondering – pretty, right?). But like, all names.

Baby names, pet names, you name it (pun totally intended πŸ˜‰). I was always the one volunteering ideas anytime someone was trying to name something new.

“How about Jasmine for the puppy?” “Ooh, Cinnamon could work for that bakery!”

My parents thought it was cute at first. But after I insisted on naming the microwave “Zappy” in 3rd grade, they started getting a little concerned…

This Obsession Becomes My Calling

As I got older, the name obsession didn’t go away. If anything, it grew stronger! I was the friend ruthlessly judging my buddies’ baby name picks. The one scribblingpotential business names in my notebooks during class.

While other kids were doodling dragons or daydreaming, I was puzzling over “What would be a badass name for a skateboard company?” This probably explains a lot about my social life (or lack thereof) back then…

It wasn’t until after college that I had my “ah-ha!” moment. I was out to dinner with my parents, who were (predictably) making fun of me for dissecting the name of the Thai restaurant.

“Shreya, why are you so weird about names?”

That’s when it hit me – my weird little naming obsession could be my PURPOSE! An untapped gift to share with the world!

Right then, I decided I would create a website to celebrate names of all kinds. A happy little corner of the internet where name nerds like me could joyfully geek out.

Thus, LordOfNames.com was born!

The Humble Beginnings

Of course, bringing this grand vision to life wasn’t so simple. My initial website looked like aderpy sophomore coded it for a class project (because that’s essentially what it was!).

I’m talking Comic Sans font, cheesy animations, messy code duct-taped together with photos lifted from Google Image Search. It was…a rough start. πŸ˜…

But I attacked naming with a serious passion! I’d spend hours researching name origins and meanings. I’d meticulously craft pun-filled sample names and backstories for imaginary brands, bands, you name it.

It was all about SPARKING INSPIRATION through evocative names! πŸ”₯

Shockingly, people besides my mom started tuning in! Which was flattering and all, but it’s not like this tiny site could turn into a real thing…right?

Or Could It?

Fast forward through many years of hustle, a zillion rewrites, and several stints pondering potential new site names like “NameFreak.net”…

…And now LordOfNames.com is a real, thriving community! A place where name nuts like me can go to dream up and celebrate brilliant names together.

What’s in a Name? Apparently, Everything

But you want to know the real magic of this quirky little site? It’s not just about inventing catchy product names or baby names anymore.

In a world of unlimited choices but limited time, having the PERFECT moniker has become essential for any brand, business, blog…you name it. (Seriously, I have to stop with the naming puns.)

A standout name doesn’t just set you apart – it instantly conveys your entire vibe, mission and personality to the world with just a few syllables. When you nail an evocative name, it’s honestly life-changing!

Like, if I hadn’t serendipitously stumbled onto the name “LordOfNames”…would this silly passion project have ever become what it is today? Doubtful!

Think about it: LordOfNames.com just SOUNDS like the kind of site where you can joyfully geek out about names, doesn’t it? Authoritative yet playful. Quirky yet trustworthy. A place to have fun but also find seriously great naming ideas.

That’s the power of the perfect name, fam!

And that’s why I’m so grateful to have you brilliant name nerds joining me on this journey. Together, we’re not just slapping random combos of letters on things – we’re helping folks everywhere turn their ideas and dreams into memorable brands, blogs, books and businesses with the perfect moniker!

It’s like witnessing a million tiny reinventions every single day. And I freakin’ love it.

So let’s hear it – any funny naming stories you want to share? I’m all ears over here! Let me know your favorite names, ones you created or discovered, disasters you narrowly avoided (we’ve all been there!), or anything else you want to gab about.

I’ll be here nerding out over names with you for as long as this crazy ride lasts! Which considering how obsessed I am…yeah, probably forever. Sorry/not sorry! 😜

This quirky little site is my calling, and you name nerds are my people. Let’s keep building this celebration of names together!